
Letters and Numbers Tracing

Practice the alphabet and counting as well as writing letters and numbers with this wonderful stencil set! Then you can write anything you like! Includes 44 letter and number stencils and an album with 10 activities. Perfect to use on Hape easels!
Product code: E1070
  • Includes 44 letter, number and sign stencils, eight whiteboard marker pens with erasers, one A3 activity album and one binder clip.
  • The A3 activity album has 12-pages of 10 activities to help kids learn about the alphabet, counting and writing letters and numbers.
  • Can be used alongside the Hape Easel.
Title Letters and Numbers Tracing
Product number E1070
Age Group From 4 Years
Number of Parts 66
Weight 0.2 kg
Play tips
Die Schablonen können mit dem Klebeband auf deinem Papier oder auf einem Whiteboard befestigt werden und dann können die Buchstaben und Zahlen mit den Marker nachgefahren werden. Vervollständige den 12-seitigen DIN A3 Mal-und Zeichenblock, der zu 10 Aktivitäten einlädt. Außerdem kannst du weitere Aktivitäten kostenlos herunterladen.
WARNING: Choking hazard -Small parts. Not for children under 3 yrs. Conforms to ASTM D4236. Remove the packaging material before you give the toy to your child. Please keep all the relevant information for future reference. Decorations and colors may vary!

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