Shake, rattle and stimulate their senses

Aids hand-eye coordination

Gripping and rolling the rattle around babies’ hands enhances their hand-eye coordination and strengthens their hand muscles, laying the foundation for more complex motor skills as they develop.

Teaches cause and effect

The sound produced by the rattle rewards their movements, encouraging babies to continue exploring different sounds and textures, which helps to develop their cognitive abilities from an early age.

Calms and relaxes

The rattle’s gentle raindrop sounds can help to calm and relax babies. The repetitive sound provides a sense of comfort and security when they’re upset or overwhelmed.

Promotes visual development

As they play with the rattle, infants will naturally track its movement with their eyes. This enhances their visual tracking skills and ability to focus and follow movement.


Butterfly Rainmaker Robert

This infant rattle is a delight to their senses. It simulates the soothing sound of rain, which helps to calm overstimulated minds and relax fussy infants. Newborns will love to watch the beads cascading through the rattle. The crackling sound made by the wings, when paired with the rattle’s rain sounds, introduces even more aural and visual stimulation to developing minds.
Product code: E8531B
Fine Motor Skills
Fine Motor Skills
Physical Development
Physical Development
  • AIDS HAND-EYE COORDINATION: Babies will start to develop their hand-eye coordination as they grip, shake and roll the rattle.
  • AURAL STIMULATON: The soothing rain sounds of the rattle act as an auditory stimulant to perk up baby’s ears as they learn to identify sounds and patterns.
  • VISUAL DEVELOPMENT: With a cute butterfly design, this rattle will be a sensory companion to your baby as they learn to track movements and identify objects with their eyes.
  • EASY-CARE DESIGN: Designed with busy parents in mind, the rattle’s fabric wings are detachable, so its body is easy to clean and sanitise.
  • BABY-SAFE CONSTRUCTION: The rattle’s smooth wooden construction and sturdy plastic body ensure that it’s safe for little hands to hold and curious mouths to teethe.
Title Butterfly Rainmaker Robert
Product number E8531B
Age Group From 0 months
Number of Parts 1
Size 16 x 11 x 6.2 cm
Weight 0.12 kg
Play tips
Use the rainmaker alongside music to help teach babies to recognise different sounds and musical patterns. Shake the rattle in time to different rhythms and beats for even more aural stimulation.

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